Creative Email Marketing

Good luck.
That used to be just about all you could wish for as a small business taking on industry giants. Unless you invented a proprietary new technology or had a massive financial backing, more than likely, you didn’t stand much of a chance to take on The Big Guys.
Big brands have big budgets – that’s no surprise. But with those deep pockets come heavy costs…
When you’ve got thousands of employees, anxious investors, cautious stakeholders, siloed workforces, and the scrutiny of the onlooking public, it’s harder to move quickly and break things.
Enter the Age of the Resourceful-preneur
As technology has evolved at an ever-increasing rate, the firepower at your fingertips has skewed heavily in favor of The Little Guy.
As a small and nimble business – and by the way, “small” can still be north of 8-figures – you can make strategic pivots in your business almost overnight. That’s something very few of the lumbering giants are willing or able to do.
That’s exactly why the last few years have been such a transformative time for innovative tiny teams of tenacious action takers.
Just as we’re now seeing YouTubers creating content that rivals the production studios of only a decade ago, we’re seeing the same exponential increase in the capabilities of individual marketers and business builders outperforming established billion-dollar brands.
Creative and committed individuals are now able to create highly personalized, data-driven, and automated marketing campaigns to millions of people from their laptop with the help of only a few affordable tools.
This isn’t an evolution in marketing, it’s a revolution.
Our goal at MAJiK Marketing – and specifically with the Marketing Automation Mastery Series – is to educate and empower you to take advantage of the technologies and strategies available to you to build relationships while building your business.
The small business owner or startup who creates meaningful connections with their followers and customers, whether they know it or not, are building the brands of the future.
Resourcefulness is now more valuable than access to resources.
Quality interactions are driving transactions.
Relationships have become the key driver of revenue.
The brands who leverage the technologies now available to build outsized impact will be developing a connection with their audience and have a vastly more powerful capacity to improve the lives of millions – all while building a profitable and sustainable business!
But that process doesn’t happen by accident.
Your Marketing Masterclass
The goal of the Marketing Automation Mastery Series is to give you the mindset, philosophies, and strategies that we’ve seen empower Next Generation Brands to create, scale, and sustain transformative businesses even in the most competitive markets and tough economic climates.
Truth be told, it’s our hope that this Masterclass does more than give you some good ideas and some actionable tips – though you’ll find plenty of those along the way.
MAJiK exists because of a belief we share, and which I think could be no better embodied than in the following quote:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Business has evolved. It’s no longer a tool for simply generating revenue.
Now, mission-driven, innovative brands are recognizing the opportunity to develop business practices and even business models that create as much good for the world as they do for their stakeholders.
Innovation and resourcefulness stem from a perspective shift and clarity on how to turn vision into reality. This Masterclass is designed to inspire your imagination on what’s possible, no matter how “limited” your resources may be.
Here’s what you will learn in this series:
- Where marketing automation works and where it doesn’t.
- What you should and shouldn’t put on auto-pilot.
- Common mistakes and how to avoid (or fix) them.
- How to create amazing experiences with automation.
- Why being different is better than being better.
- How to approach personalization and segmentation.
- Why the hybrid approach to automation is “The Holy Grail.”
So, ready to become a Marketing Automation Master?
Time to ascend to Automation Aficionado?
If so, dive in! But as you do, do me a little favor…
Think bigger. Take the ideas in the Marketing Automation Mastery Series not as cookie-cutter suggestions, but as fertile seeds to bathe in your own curiosity and creativity.
It’s the alchemy of your imagination and execution that will become your superpower. And that, my friend, is how you make MAJiK.
We help mission-driven coaches and personal brands grow their businesses by mastering their marketing.
Need more help?
No time to tackle the marketing monster alone and looking for a bit more support?
We’re a strategy-first email marketing agency that helps you master your messaging, build lasting relationships with your customers, and create email strategies and systems to grow your income and impact.
Marketing Automation Mastery: Using Automation the Right Way.
[PART 2]
Have you ever been at the gym and see someone using a piece of equipment totally wrong?
I mean, like, “that person is going to hurt themselves but I can’t look away” kind of wrong.
Well, I hate to say it, but when you jump into building automations with knowing what you’re doing, most end up looking like…
Marketing Automation Mastery: Scaling the Best Experience You Can.
[PART 3]
Much like the way cranberries somehow found their way into every known juice on the planet, automation technology is digging its digital hooks into almost everything we do.
In the right hands, this tech can be one of the most powerful ways to ensure that every single subscriber gets a consistently positive (and personalized) experience with your brand.
Marketing Automation Mastery: Double Down on Different
[PART 4]
I skipped my weekly Automation Addicts Anonymous meeting to take another stab at convincing you that there’s more you could be doing with the wonderful wizardry of the tools available to you for building a scalable and sustainable business.
Come on… join us.
You should be using every technological tool at your disposal to create amazing experiences for your readers, and you better have a good system to do it.