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Marketing Automation Mastery: Introduction.

Marketing Automation Mastery: Introduction.


Good luck. That used to be just about all you could wish for as a small business taking on industry giants. Unless you invented a proprietary new technology or had a massive financial backing, more than likely, you didn’t stand much of a chance to take on The Big Guys.

Big brands have big budgets – that’s no surprise. But with those deep pockets come heavy costs…

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Marketing Automation Mastery: Where It Works and Where It Hurts.

Marketing Automation Mastery: Where It Works and Where It Hurts.

[PART 1]

Still hazy-eyed and sluggish, you take the first sip of coffee to start your day.

Ahhh… sweet, sweet outsourced energy.

You boot up the computer, which miraculously lights up without any caffeine coursing through its circuits… unimaginable.

You open your email and are immediately bombarded with dozens of brands trying to steal a minute of your attention. They’re selling something, and you probably aren’t buying.

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Marketing Automation Mastery: Using Automation the Right Way.

Marketing Automation Mastery: Using Automation the Right Way.

[PART 2]

Have you ever been at the gym and see someone using a piece of equipment totally wrong?

I mean, like, “that person is going to hurt themselves but I can’t look away” kind of wrong.

Well, I hate to say it, but when you jump into building automations with knowing what you’re doing, most end up looking like…

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Marketing Automation Mastery: Scaling the Best Experience You Can.

Marketing Automation Mastery: Scaling the Best Experience You Can.

[PART 3]

Much like the way cranberries somehow found their way into every known juice on the planet, automation technology is digging its digital hooks into almost everything we do.

In the right hands, this tech can be one of the most powerful ways to ensure that every single subscriber gets a consistently positive (and personalized) experience with your brand.

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Marketing Automation Mastery: Double Down on Different

Marketing Automation Mastery: Double Down on Different

[PART 4]

I skipped my weekly Automation Addicts Anonymous meeting to take another stab at convincing you that there’s more you could be doing with the wonderful wizardry of the tools available to you for building a scalable and sustainable business.

Come on… join us.

You should be using every technological tool at your disposal to create amazing experiences for your readers, and you better have a good system to do it.

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Marketing Automation Mastery: The Movie Theater Metaphor

Marketing Automation Mastery: The Movie Theater Metaphor

[PART 5]

Every time I explain customer development practices and segmentation to a new client, I always find myself using metaphors. It’s easier to understand complicated or new topics when we attach them to things we already know.

One concept that is vitally important to understand is segmentation.

In its simplest terms, segmentation represents the “buckets” that you split your audience into.

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